How to overcome feeling lost

How many times have you experienced that feeling of being stuck or feeling lost in your career or in life? We probably all have at some point. In this video I share with you 5 tips on how to overcome feeling lost and how to get back in the right path.

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How to overcome imposter syndrome

Most of us have experienced feelings of doubt and unworthiness at some point in our lives. But when you’ve achieved success due to your hard work and you still feel like you’re not enough, you’re probably suffering from impostor syndrome. In this video we share with you 5 tips on how to overcome imposter syndrome with ease.

For more information on how to book a free 20mins coaching call check out my profile and personal website:

How to build the perfect morning routine

You’ll have heard the old expression ‘Start as you mean to go on’. No-where is this more true than when it comes to how you start your day. For my morning routine I always apply a more holistic approach where I focus on my emotional, spiritual, mental and physical aspects. I always think that the best way to change your life is through habits. In this video I show you 5 tips on how to build the perfect morning routine for a productive and successful day. Let me know in the comments which one you will implement tomorrow.

For more information on how to book a free 20mins coaching call check out my profile and personal website:

How to get and stay motivated

Most of us struggle to get motivated from time to time. How often do you say to yourself, I’ll get up in the morning to start on the tasks that you need to accomplish but you don’t do it like going to the gym, starting a new diet, starting a new business, studying…you struggle over and over and you give up. Motivation is what drives us to make the things happen – but staying motivated isn’t always easy. In this video we share with you 5 tips on how to get (and stay) motivated.

For more information on how to book a free 20mins coaching call check out my profile and personal website:

How to set goals effectively

Have you ever wondered what is the secret to people achieving success? Well, they don’t just react to life but they have a hand in designing a successful life by setting goals that they work hard towards. In this video I share with you how to prepare for success with a step by step guide on how to set goals effectively.

For more information on how to book a free 20mins coaching call check out my profile and personal website:

How to become happier

Happiness is something that we all strive for, but often don’t know how to achieve in an effective and sustainable way in day to day life. In this video Dr. Paul Penn and I share 5 tips on being proactive in taking simple steps to becoming little happier everyday.

For more information on how to book a free 20mins coaching call check out my profile and personal website:

How to deal with failure

We’ve all dealt with failure at some point. However, it’s important to understand what we need to do, in order not to let it affect us. In this video I share with you 5 tips how to deal when failure happens and move forward towards success.  

For more information on how to book a free 20mins coaching call check out my profile and personal website:

How to communicate in a relationship

Have you ever wondered if only you can find a way to communicate better with your partner so you’d be happier in your relationship? Well, look no further. On our latest video, Dr Penn and I share 5 tips how to help you communicate better in your relationship.

For more information on how to book a free 20mins coaching call check out my profile and personal website:

How to become more assertive

We have all been told at some point to be more assertive or speak up. But what is assertiveness? In this video I talk about how to become more assertive and give you 5 easy tips to follow.

For more information on how to book a free 20mins coaching call check out my profile and personal website: